Undergraduate Admission

To become a student of the Superior School and enter the five-year track (six years for the Bachelor of Medicine degree program), it is necessary to participate in the call for applications and pass the admission test.
The test is held in three separate sessions: one for the Humanities Class, one for the Science-Economics Class, and one for the two places reserved for the Bachelor of Medicine degree program.

The Superior School offers an integrative course of study and, therefore, the winners of the selection must enroll in one of the degree programs offered by the University of Udine among those listed in the announcement.

Admission requirements, deadlines and how to apply are indicated in the call for admission for the relevant year, which you are encouraged to read carefully.

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Scientific-economic class
The Commission will assess the preparation, motivation and potential of the Candidate(s) with regard to the disciplines stipulated in the announcement for the individual degree programs. In particular, rather than specific notions, the ability to reason, to rework, to formalize, and to link disciplines will be tested. It is therefore advisable to review and deepen the topics studied in secondary school, trying to refine deductive reasoning and formalization skills.

Humanities class
The committee will assess both the preparation acquired by the Candidates during their schooling and their current abilities and future potential. It is recommended, therefore, to refine the study conducted in order to take the baccalaureate exam, dwelling on the relationships between the various disciplines, their objects of study, their methodologies, and to deepen some topics, freely indulging personal interests and inclinations.