Scientific Board

As provided by Article 16 of the General University of Udine Regulations, the governing bodies of the Scuola Superiore are as follows:

  • The Director, appointed by the Academic Senate, upon the proposal of the Rector, from among the first-tier professors.
  • The School Council, chaired by the Director. The Council is composed of a first-tier professor from each of the University's Departments, appointed by the respective Department Council members, two students from the School, as well as the General Director or their delegate.
  • The Vice-Director, appointed by the Director from among the first-tier professors of the Council.

The Director
The Director is appointed by the Rector's Decree, holds office for three years, and their appointment may be renewed for no more than one consecutive term.
The Director of the University College for the academic triennium 2022/2025 is Prof. Alberto Policriti, a full professor in the disciplinary sector "INF/01 - Computer Science" at the Department of Mathematical, Informatics, and Physics Sciences.

The Vice-Director
The Vice-Director of the University College is Prof. Laura Montanari, a first-tier professor in the SSD IUS/21 Comparative Public Law.

The Scuola Superiore Council, in addition to the Director, is composed as follows:

  • Department of Medical Area: Prof. Claudio Brancolini
  • Department of Languages and Literatures, Communication, Training, and Society: Prof. Claudia Di Sciacca
  • Polytechnic Department of Engineering and Architecture: Prof. Andrea Schaerf
  • Department of Agri-food, Environmental, and Animal Sciences: Prof. Alessandro Peressotti
  • Department of Economic and Statistical Sciences: Prof. Luigi Pace
  • Department of Legal Sciences: Prof. Laura Montanari
  • Department of Mathematical, Informatics, and Physical Sciences: Prof. Sebastiano Sonego
  • Department of Humanities and Cultural Heritage Studies: Prof. Neil Anthony Harris
  • Delegate of the General Director: Ms. Angela Iuretigh
  • Student Representative: Ms. Martina Spollero
  • Student Representative: Mr. Andrea Perbellini