Scuola Superiore's students visiting New York


A group of students from the “di Toppo Wassermann” University Superior School of Udine had the opportunity to expand their horizons with a week-long study trip to New York, together with other students from University Superior Schools of Catania, Bologna, Lecce and Rome. This experience was aimed at students in the medical field and allowed them to immerse themselves in a stimulating and international environment.

The students were accompanied in this experience by the director of the Superior School of Catania, Daniele Malfitana.

From April 15-21, participants were able to visit Columbia University, meeting executive director Barbara Faedda, delving into the most innovative research regarding the study of #Alzheimers at the Taub Institute, and were able to visit the Institute of Neuroscience at New York University.

In addition to immersing themselves in these academic experiences, the male and female students were able to participate in the “Living in a Quantum World” event at the famous American Museum of Natural History.