Seminario di Sistemi dinamici e analisi numerica

a.a. 2018/19

Docenti: Dimitri Breda, Hinke Osinga, Bern Krauskopf

Durata: 20 ore

Programma (Il corso è mutuato dal corrispondente corso di Dottorato).

The course focuses on periodic orbits of dynamical systems generated by ordinary differential equations. In the first part we introduce the necessary tools to answer the fundamental question of local stability of these invariants, resorting to the classic theory of Floquet in connection with Poincaré maps. In the second part we address the problem of computing these orbits, as solutions of boundary value problems in the framework of numerical continuation. In the third and last part we deal with the relevant bifurcation analysis under parameter variation, with an eye on specific models and applications.

Corsi a.a. 2018/2019