Seminario di Biologia molecolare: Molecolar basis of ageing
a.a. 2019/20
Responsabile didattico: Gianluca Tell
Docenti: Gianluca Tell, Sonia Calligaris, Valeria Filì, Davide Anchisi, Alessandro Cavarape, Gianluigi Gigli, Vilhelm Bohr.
Durata: 28 ore
Programma: Active Ageing: from molecular basis to impacts on society.
Human and population aging. Human Hallmarks of aging and age associated diseases. DNA damage and repair. Mitochondrial dysfunction and neurodegeneration. Lifestyle changes and interventions to improve healthspan. Molecular mechanisms involved in DNA repair and in genomic instability in normal, senescent and cancer cells. Gene expression, ncRNA and the cell senescent phenotype in the ageing process. Physiopathology of ageing and effects on learning and behavior. Clinical, pathological and biological diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases. Defining boundaries along a continuum. Fragility in older people: clinical issues and aspects of prevention. Food for Active Ageing: Base definitions: food, functional foods, food supplements. Overview on food bioactive compounds for healthy ageing. Food design to deliver target functionalities. Principles and organization of the Italian Healthcare System. The in/sustainability of the Italian Welfare System.